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You Still Need a Good Air Filter in Cold Weather

To allergy sufferers, the cooler weather in Bolingbrook means the first frost is not far away. And if you are an allergy sufferer, you know that the first frost means that your outdoor allergies have officially come to an end. But what about all the pollen that was tracked into your home during the warm months, or the indoor allergies that may be bothering you? It can be tempting to change to a lesser quality air filter to save money, but if you or your loved ones are aggravated by allergies, it’s best to stick with an air filter that will help relieve allergy and asthma symptoms.

Capturing Indoor Allergens

A forced air system will always swirl the air in your home, making it really hard on allergy sufferers. This is the first reason to keep an upgraded filter in your system: to capture and remove these particles permanently from your home. But there is an added benefit to using an upgraded filter, and that is the effects it has on your HVAC system. Dust, dirt and other clinging particles are just as bad for your heating and cooling system as they are for the allergy sufferers in your home. A heating and cooling system that is covered in a layer of dirt and dust will have trouble performing. Dust and dirt will also coat the inside of your ductwork system, creating poor air flow and indoor air quality. An upgraded air filter captures more dust, dirt and other problematic particles, making it a great choice for the people in your home and your HVAC system.

Need to upgrade your existing air filter, or make sure your current air filter continues to provide the clean air you need? Then call the indoor air quality experts at DuAll Heating & Cooling today!

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