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Air Conditioning Question: How Much Do High Efficiency Air Conditioners Save

High efficiency air conditioning systems are designed to save money by cutting the amount of energy that it takes to use them.  If the air conditioner being replaced is ten years old, your monthly utility costs could decrease anywhere from 15% to 30% with your new system.

If the air conditioner being replaced is twenty years old, it could save you up to 40% in monthly utility costs.

Every high-efficiency air conditioner must be built to very strict standards which are created by the US Environmental Protection Agency.  The SEER gives you an idea of an air conditioner’s energy efficiency: the higher the SEER, the less energy the unit will use to keep your home cool. While higher SEER can mean a higher initial cost to purchase the AC itself, you will quickly make up the difference in cost with your monthly energy savings.

In addition, when a high-efficiency air conditioning system is installed professionally it can qualify for tax credits, tax breaks, and government rebates that will save even more money.

The skilled Bolingbrook AC technicians at DuAll Heating and Cooling work with high-efficiency air conditioners through a variety of AC services which include air conditioner installation and repairs.  Let our experienced team help you determine which high-efficiency AC system is right for your specific needs, ensuring you understand exactly how much money you will be saving.

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